How It Works

Tailored Fit Solutions


$8 per hour

$5 per hour on the first month

The Incubator program provides our lawyer clients with a talented Juris Doctor (JD) or a JD Student as a Virtual Legal Assistant. They may lack the US Law Firm experience but their knowledge and passion for the law give them a great advantage despite the obvious handicap.


Starts at $10 per hour

The accelerated program provides our lawyer clients with Virtual Legal Assistant talents that are experienced and tailored fit to the job description of their law firm’s needs. These talents have undergone rigorous skills matching and premium recruitment screening. They can start right away with the tasks with minimal onboarding process on the lawyer’s part.

How It Works

Our Expertise

Personal Injury Law​

Wills and Estates Law​

Trademark Law


Family Law

Business Law

  • Legal research support for case arguments

  • Arranging of medical chronologies

  • Collection of medical and billing records and summaries
  • E-filing and admin tasks support
  • Legal research and drafting support for Wills
  • Westlaw and legal forms management
  • Provide legal research support for office acctions feedback from USPTO
  • Provide due diligence for new applications and evidence-gathering for possible cases
  • Drafting of USPTO application
  • Discovery related tasks
  • E-filing
  • Legal research and drafting
  • Phone support (Client intake, check-in, and coordination
  • Legal research and drafting
  • Assisting in mediation or deposition hearings
  • Contracts drafting
  • Handling the drafting and research for Bankruptcy law: Chapter 7, 11, and 13 Cases
  • Client intake and communications

Frequently Asked Questions


Our rate is $8/HR for the Incubator. We only charge $5/HR on the first month.

A fun fact on the rates, most of our clients actually volunteer to charge theregular Incubator rate after just two weeks of engagement since they see the
great value in working with a Juris Doctor (JD) graduate and/or a JD Student.

You’ll get either a JD Graduate or a JD Student with excellent English spoken and written skills. That is the only core qualification.

The first 30 days is the most crucial period that will determine whether your
hire will succeed or not. In the first 30 days of the engagement, Law Firm Cat
will provide free internal training to the VLA together with your internal


The training program will teach the agent the following skills:


  • Phone reception
  • Administrative tasks
  • Legal Drafting (Format & Automations)
  • Legal research (Tools training for Westlaw and Lexis Nexis)
  • Procedural Laws working knowledge ( American Legal systems, Basic
  • Criminal procedure, and Basic Civil procedure)
  • Legal Ethics & Data Security

Talents under the incubator program are highly driven and a good match for a
firm that is still a newbie in growing his or her team. They are highly driven
since they have a lot to prove regarding their lack of foreign law firm
experience. Picture a hungry young wolf who is ready to pounce on whatever
challenges are thrown at them.


Not to mention the fact that you’ll get intensive training support from Law
Firm Cat. The incubator talent will be trained by both the management and
the lawyer-client. The internal training hours are on us. No fee on that,

The best way to do it is to hire a part-time Accelerated talent and a part-time
incubator talent. Aside from the extensive internal training Law Firm Cat will provide the incubator talent, the Accelerated talent will also help get the
inexperienced buddy get onboarded fast on your specialization.

4 hours/day or 20 hours/week is the minimum. We’ll accept 2 hours/day but
only on the first 2 weeks of the engagement.

We’ll replace it with someone who’d fit best for you factoring in what went
wrong with the previous hire based on your firm’s context.

Frequently Asked Questions


The rate starts at $10/HR and could go up to $15/HR for very specific and
competitive posts. (Years of experience & Highly Technical Skills).


e.g. A Virtual Legal Assistant with at least 1 year of US Criminal Law Litigation
experience in New York costs around $10-12/HR.

You’ll get either a Juris Doctor (JD) Graduate, JD student, or an experienced
VLA based on your specialization or the job description. They all have US Law
Firm experience under your firm’s specialization.

You’ll get a rigorous talent matching and recruitment process tailored fit to
your current needs or specialization. We guarantee that the agents are
competent and vetted. We also provide internal leadership training to these
talents to prepare them for higher-level roles in your law firm.


Note: All clients for the Incubator and Accelerated Program will get account
management support, IT support, additional training support, and talent

Obviously, the experience is the number 1 advantage. If given the chance, the
Accelerated talents are actually ready to take on leadership roles for your law

Yes, that’s possible. The best way to do it is either your first hire is an
Accelerated talent and then, later on, hire an incubator talent. It is also possible
to arrange tag team services of Incubator and Accelerated. You’ll pay the
Accelerated talent full-time while the Incubator talent will be on a discounted
trainee rate.

4 hours/day or up to 20 hours/week. We’ll accept 2 hours/day but only on the
first 2 weeks of the engagement.

We’ll replace it with someone who’d fit best for you factoring in what went
wrong with the previous hire based on your firm’s context.

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