Capable, Confidential, Cost-Effective

Grow Your Firm, Without Increasing Payroll

You’re stuck in an infinite loop. You can’t get the right people to help grow your firm, and you can’t grow your firm without the right people. Law Firm Cat provides the remote skilled legal professionals you need to take your firm to the next level – at a fraction of the cost.

Get Organized

Our team of passionate remote legal professionals fill your support roles without breaking the bank.

Bill More Hours

With renewed focus on the firm, your in-house team invest more valuable time solely on billable tasks.

Expand & Grow

You’ll have the freedom to focus on new client acquisition, increasing revenue and growing your firm.

To Grow or Not to Grow, That Shouldn’t Be the Question

You have an ambitious goal: modernize your firm, expand your client base, increase revenue and set a course for significant future growth. So far, success illudes you. Growth is dependent on your firm being a well-oiled machine, but as a smaller firm you face some unique challenges:

Remote Legal Professional Will Take You to the Next Level

Law Firm Cat supplies the legal assistants and other law professionals you need to grow your firm, for up to 70% less. Our experienced team of Lawyers, Juris Doctor graduates & Juris doctor students, will help your firm:

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